Hello, Oreyt, Ciao, Bonjour!

Hello to all of our new followers and recently engaged couples! We love the Christmas break, it gives us all a time to unwind, spend time with family and reflect on the year that we have just had. If you have popped the question this holiday we would like to say a massive congratulations! Now the excitement starts, planning your wedding! If you haven’t looked into hosting a Tipi Wedding we highly recommend it. We are biased but they are the best! Take a look at some of the amazing weddings that we have been part of.

To see more inspiring images of Tipi weddings that we have been a part of click here to view our tipi wedding gallery.
If you haven’t already, head over to our social media pages for more tipi wedding inspiration. We’re always updating our socials with new and exciting Tipi weddings. Please click on the links below to follow our social media pages: Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/gardenweddingstipihire Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/garden_weddings_tipi_hire/?hl=en You Tube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ3iurX31g-7BstLHfRM0Jw Twitter – https://twitter.com/garden_wedding

If you would like to download our Tipi hire brochure or receive a bespoke quote from Garden Weddings then please click here to contact us!
W: https://www.garden-weddings.co.uk E: hi@garden-weddings.co.uk M: 07403 417 524